Monday, January 14, 2013

ORTs and Coffee

My first official post for 2013...and it's all over the place! :)

First off....ORTs!!  (Old raggedy threads)   What did everyone do with their ORT jar from 2012?   I took a picture of how full mine was, and I just couldn't bear to toss I put them to good use!

My pretty ORTs in my vase (I put a votive candle next to it so you could tell the size of the vase):

I stitched a little pillow and stuffed it full of all the colorful strands....

And finished little 2012 ORT pillow!!  I used a scrap of dyed fabric and some DMC variegated floss and searched through various ABC books and this is what I came up with.

Guess I'm starting a new tradition of ORT pillows!!

Now for!!  Among all my wonderful Christmas gifts this year, my hubby gave me a Keurig (K-cup) coffee maker.

It's one of those things I'd never get for myself, because I'm the only one that drinks coffee.  But OH MY GOSH....I LOVE THIS THING!!  I can't imagine how I lived without it before!!

It came with a sample of coffee flavors, and hubby gave me another box of samples too.  My new favorite is, Golden French Toast!  The kitchen smells like maple syrup each time I brew it...sooo yummy!!

So, question for any of you that have a K-cup maker...what are your favorite flavors, and why?  I'm on the hunt to try some new ones (because I'm obsessed with coffee now!) and I'd love to hear some suggestions!

Oh right...this is a stitchy blog, isn't it? 
Some of my latest progress pictures, not in any particular order because it's been so long since I posted any updates!

Middle Earth, Day 14:

QS Nostlagy (HAED Bulletin Board SAL), Day 6:

Paradise Found, Day 4:

Think I need to have a giveaway soon....I'm feeling the itch!   :)



lynda said...

This is a great idea for the orts! I think I may steal it!

Loretta said...

I love your ort pillow. What a neat idea!!!!

Emma/Itzy said...

A great idea with the orts, mine are still sat in a plastic bag at the moment lol. Your progress on the haed bb sal is great! Can't wait to see more of middle earth too :)

Southpaw Stitcher said...

Your ort pillow is a fabulous idea! I love all your WIPs--great progress!

Katy said...

Love the ORT Pillow idea! I stuffed all of mine in a clear ball ornament for my Christmas tree!

sharine said...

Love that idea for the orts. Your making great progress:)

Katie said...

Love the pillow. Love your WIP pieces. Sorry no suggestions about the coffee cause I don't drink coffee.

cucki said...

Aww I love the pillow so much ..sweet wips xx

SoCal Debbie said...

You're so crafty! The ORT pillow is great! Middle Earth looks great and so does Paradise Found! I like the green colors.

Lesleyanne said...

Gorgeous progress on your wips. I cannot believe how far you got with Nostlagy in six days. Great idea for your orts. Nice coffee maker.

Valma said...

what a great idea to make a pillow with your wasted threads ! =)
you stitched a lot and in such a beautiful way
Middle earth is amazing !
And QS nostalgy ! wow
such beautiful and big projects you have
enjoy =)
happy stitching sweetie
big hugs

Lija Broka said...

You are so far with your HAED SAL ... puts me to shame. Well done on all the stitching, jar, stuffing, and coffee. Don't know where I'd be without coffee (probably somewhere near stainless stitching - though it's tea I tend to spill rather than coffee so a little phew).

Julie said...

Fabulous idea for the ORT's!

Angie said...

Great progress. One of my favorite kuerig flavors is Gloria Jean mudslide. Yum!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for all those orts....I may be another one stealing this idea!
Great progress on your stitching.

Linda said...

Great progress on all your pieces Lesli. I love the little ort pillow.


Dani - tkdchick said...

I don't drink coffee myself but my other half does, I bought him a Keurig for xmas last year and he just loves it and really its perfect for a home where not a lot of coffee is drunk.

Lovely WIPS.

Mindi said...

I love your idea for the orts, and think I'll have to borrow it! I'll have to sort through mine, I have a habit of throwing my old needles into the ort jar too.

♥ Nia said...

hahahahahha what a great idea!! :D
After all, those ends are not useless ;) Well done! :D

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